Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thing 19: The Podcast

I must say, I LOVE the podcast.  I have multipul subscriptions to different podcasts.  Some are just rebroadcasts of radio shows:

Wait, wait don't tell me

This American Life

AM Marketplace

Sound oppinions 

etc. etc.

I also listne to podcasts that are podcast specific.  Meaning they are published a made exclusivly for computer podcast viewers.

CATO institue

The Tome (yea.. super geeky you may want to stay away)

Hatchling animations

First Amendment Center


Can I just say that I love my iPod.

Podcasts are one of the great inventions.  I can link a key speech, presenter or expert to a moodle page.  Students listen to the whole podcast or to a select portion and then they go on to moodle and discuss the podcast (following set prompts).  

When I'm in the car and only catch half of a really great story, or interview.  I can podcast it.  expose my students to it and my friends.

I absolutly LOVE podcasts.  

Admitatly I don't have my kids make podcasts in the classroom.  They make videos and that takes enough work as it is ;).   I however could start making podcasts.  That would be pretty cool.  

Hmmmmmm it gets me a thinking!

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