Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thing 27. Twitter, I have been twitterfied @heldring

If I were to post about Twitter a year ago, I would rant and rant about the stupidity of this medium. It had a ton of use for a few specific situations and/or people, but the common person? Come on.... What a stupid program. A waste. (see Thing 20 and Thing 21 )

However, in March Julie Magie (a teacher a Valley View) sent me an email wondering what my Twitter page was. I figured if Julie was Twittering than I need a page.

Well now its 5 months later 214 updates later, 37 followers later and being followed by 57 others.

Twitter can totally destroy your time, but because I have been very diligent about who I follow, I have been getting great info about cooking, teaching and technology. Finding out who other people follow is a great way to follow quality tweets.

Often tweets are basic updates to peoples lives. Public posts for the world to hear. Sort of like hearing a person talking on their cell phone when they are standing next to you... but if you also followed the person they are talking to on twitter it would be like a three way call.

I have recieved more quality links to news, technology and teaching pages than I ever thought possable. They key is to remember that Twitter is not a contest as to how many people can I get to follow or how many can I follow but choose wisly and you will not be disapointed.

Remember, if you follow someone and they turn out to be a dud (give them about 40 or so tweets) then "unfollow".

If you start Tweeting, and you want to know how to get more followers and to be more successful using twitter. Here is the ultimate guidbook for twitter: http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/

(ps, you can also follow mashable on twitter)

So, start tweeting and follow me @heldring

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's been interesting to watch your Twitter view evolve over the last few months! If you haven't yet, start following @alfiekohn. Profound stuff!