Monday, September 7, 2009

Thing 44... The Econonmy

I hate to say this, but I have been to almost every site listed. I teach Government and used to teach economics. Many of the videos and web sites are not new to me. However, I think many of them are wonderful and use them in my own classroom all the time.

here are few recommendations from Claude:
Public Agenda: This is a non-partisan/bi-partisan web site with more information about the hot 20 topics than you could hope to know. Not only is the information beyond fantastic but is is fully sited and backed up my multiple sources thus giving the data credence.

for a great exploration of the top 20 issues in our country click on "issues Guide". This will give you a drop down menue of many issues that will have you scowering the site of months to come.

Sound Money: This to me is a no brainer. It is good solid info on the economy and on personal finance. It is readily available and has tools for all educators and citizens of America to use. this is a must follow web site.

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