Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thing 35... Internet v reading material... or is it vs?

I often hear the angry grumblings of people saying the internet is the death of reading. However there has been more published and more books/magazines read than ever.

I found this exersize to be terribly fun and addicting.

I knew about and often give reference to resources like Shelfari.

This kind of post also had me thinking about the virtual books, books on your ireader or for portablility you Kindle or even your iphone. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I like a paper book. That doesn't mean that e-books are bad, I just don't enjoy them.

Then the site had me explore some great websites like Booklamp! Wow! what a great web site! I also really liked, what should I read next. These two sites are exactly what the book world needs the internet to do. They are creative and use the power of mass databasing and easy accsess to their advantage.

Unfortunatly I now have 8 more books on my to read list. But thats not so bad, we have a library very close :)

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