Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thing 31.... More Twitter

What I have learned about Twitter.

1. IT is quite addicting.

2. It requires a precision in communication. @rick_Bayless is a master. He gives full recipies in 140 characters.

3. Twitter is really easy to find like minded people... do a search for a term like "Bikes". Then find a post that looks interesting. Then click on their name to get a list of their most recent posts. If they look interesting.... Click "Follow"

4. Once you find people that are interesting, look at who they are following and in no time flat you have quite a network going.

5. Twitter seems to be a great way for me to rapidly connect with people, get articles and current events on:
A. Biking
B. Cooking
C. Education

6. You have to watch what you say because other people are searching Twittersphere with key words just like you are. For example: I wrote a post about my having a panic attack because we just moved and I couldn't find my school keys. I received a series of twitter messages and some started following me and giving advice on how to deal with panic attacks.

7. There are some webpages that you can sign up for and they automatically set you up to follow 10 or 20 twitter names. Well, the sex industry has locked on to this one with a vengence. I got 12 SPAM tweets in one day...Blech!

8. I never thought I would like twitter the way I do like twitter, but now it is part of my daily life. for example, I just tweeted a guy at comcast for help... got help in 2 min rather than waiting on that insipid help line on the phone.

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