Monday, September 7, 2009

Thring 43.... Music Baby... Give me the Music

Perhaps you don't know this about me, but I am sort of a music junkie. According to iTunes, my library consists of 141Gig of songs that would take 70.2 days to play from beginning to end. The great thing about my library is that it is growing.

Now one needs to be consious about sound quality, especially when compressing to mp3 which is a far inirior sound quality to "old technology". but it is easy and transportable. So I too listen when on the road. This, however, is not the place to go down the diatribe of sound quality. It is the place to talk about where I get my inspiration for music.

I am an avid MPR listener. Mostly the news, but then, The current. I love music that pushes the boundries, is inventive and honest. I dispise with absolute totality 99.9% of those things that are country (there is always the exception). However, I love the challenge. Being pushed to a new level is so intreging. So I think Pandora is the best thing since.. since... well after the direct application internet ap... its next.

I currently have 9 different "stations" on Pandora. What I like most is that my stations are really divirese:
Robyn Hitchcock
Talking Heads
Nick Cave
Louie XIV
But each station not only links to bands that I am familar with, but with new bands that I then begin to explore.

So, although I see the value in this "Thing". It is not a new place for me to explore, it was more like a familiar place for me to relax in.

Go Pandora!

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