Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing 11. Del icio us

I love del icio us.  I hate typing it.  ARGGGG.

There are a number of similar sites that I have played with and for the most part they all do the same thing.  The difference really is in the user interface and options.  Let me give you an example: is far more efficiant that del icio us and has a higher traffic rate.  But, because of your tags have to be one of the prewritten tages devised by Digg you lose autonomy.  However, you gain efficiancy.  Let say you "Digg" someting about the election campaign.  In Digg you could put it under "news, campaign, president".  In Del icio us you would invent the categories.  What you think they should be are different than what another person may think.  Thus making it harder to find things you like.

Becuase of this I prefer Digg on in that it is easier and the prewritten tags add ease to the system.  each person doesn't have to develp their own tag.  

ps.  besides it is a lot easier to write :)

But wait.... there is more.  I just found a great article that compares the two.  Hmmmm rethink perhaps?

Check out:


stumble upon  I am quickly liking this site more and more.

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