I really liked the variety of technology that we were introduced to. Even though I thought they had spread out some of the issues where there needn't have been. It was a great way to discover and an excuse to play with some features I had never had time to play with.
Thank you, Mike, for your patiance with my venting about some programs. I am quite open minded and like to try a whole slough of new software/webaps but when I have already spent a year or more playing with one and don't like... I let people know.
I wish we (as a class) spent more time commenting on other peoples blogs. That would have been nice to see what other were doing. I am to blame as well. I commented on other for steps 1-4 but then stoped. Perhaps because I got just a tad busy this summer, or because there was really no reciprication, or like most people I started working and didn't engage the others around me. Not sure.. something to ponder about.
I say we keep challenging each other to try new software. I'll keep sending out my e-mails over the school year and lets hope people keep sending them to me.
Thanks Mike.